How do I change my font to a color that is not listed?
This is something that has only become major in the past few months. I myself didn't start using it until early 2000. The steps are quite complicated if you don't follow them to a tee. So, don't get lost! This involves some things that could potentially mess up some settings in Windows if you're not where you're supposed to be. Also, you need to know some HTML to get the different colors. Here we go!
- Go to start --> Run and type in "regedit" (without the quotes). Then hit enter or click OK.

- Now you need to click on the plus arrow of "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" and then "software." This is the picture on the left. Once you click on software a list of all of the software on your computer will come down. Scroll through the list until you find Segasoft. Click the plus sign by it. Then, click on it and click on the plus sign by HEAT. Once there, click on TEMP.

- Next, in the right half of the window, find MPFONT_TAG0. Then, double click it. This will bring up the window you see in the picture on the right (but, the numbers will differ). In this window, you need to edit the 6 didgits that are in the 3rd row down, 4 from the right. This is the row that is selected in the picture (FF 64 1A). You will then put in the HTML code for the color. An HTML code is only 6 characters long. That is why you edit only those 6 numbers. NOTE: You can put in letters in this.

- Now, just click ok and exit the window by clicking the X in the top right... You're now set. Fire up the HEAT software and your new color should work!