What's your opinion on the new layout of HEAT? Like it? Love it? HATE IT? Well, express your opinions without fear of busting a vein in public by visiting the forum. A fun time will be had by all!
top news & crap like that :: |
The Big M Turd is Descending -- July 5, 2000
Nothing really needs to be said here. 'Tis a bad day when a network like MPlayer can take over HEAT... No humor here... Just really, really disappointed... Hopefully degrees won't become a thing of the past, as they are the only remaining thing of HEAT's past... Employees are leaving... Servers are crapping out (more than often)... *sniff* And it's all going to end...
Unless... this is nothing more than a rumor (which I really doubt)... Take a good look at the two graphics above and I think you'll know my opinion on MPlayer... HEAT has been a great community, hopefully its flame will burn on...
If you like HEAT, and hate MPlayer, check out Gamespy Arcade. It's better than any of that Zone/MPlayer crap...
Till next time...

HEAT Logo Has the Hots for Mom! -- May 18, 2000
It's true! It's true! The new, crappy HEAT logo has the hots for YOUR MOTHER!! The above image is merely a snippet of this controversial image that can be seen on homebases all over HEAT. Apparently, the HEAT HQ isn't too "hot."

Exclusive No-Name Games Headed for HEAT! -- May 18, 2000
Who needs some hot, new game like Soldier of Fortune? Sure not the members of HEAT! No way! We have exclusive access to HOT games from the HOT company Ripcord! Why play some ultra-violent game like SOF when you can play Gorkamorka?
Shameless Self Promotion:

other crap you probably don't care about :: |

HEAT DESIGN TEAM: "We lost the good logo." -- May 10, 2000
In a blunder that would make TEN laugh (you know, the hardcore network that sold out and now features board games), the HEAT design team accidentally erased the classic HEAT logo and had to make a new one. Needless to say, they were able to make a new logo, but at the sacrifice of coolness.
No longer are we forced to see the violent image of a sniper scope on a peace sign. Now we have a cool dude with his head on fire. Keep the innovation coming!

HOT New HEAT Design is Faster Than Ever! -- May 10, 2000
Apparently HEAT took a few things into consideration and beefed up the servers on which their CGI is hosted. The home.cgi file smokes along on any modem! No more long delays on your logins! It is a blessed day!

New HEAT Design is Getting Rave Reviews! -- May 10, 2000
As you can tell from the screen above, users are ecstatic about the new layout of HEAT! The new, bright, curved look is a breath of fresh air! Click the picture to see the full size screenshot.
Personal Note: Let's get one thing clear, I like the new layout. I don't think that brighter colors were they way to go, but the layout is nice and "flowing." However, I do NOT like the new logo. Scrap it and go back to what got you where you are today (even if that is in a hole). The scope looks a lot more geared toward a gaming site than some stupid head that's on fire. Speaking of gears, the new room icons need to be scrapped, too. Thank You For Your Understanding.

This site is completely independant from HEAT.net. If you are offended by any of the content of this page, please send an email to yourself, get a life, and leave the site immediately. All cuts on HEAT are, and should be considered, constructive criticism. I want to see HEAT reach its full potential, otherwise I would have never created this site or stayed on HEAT for almost two years. This site is supposedly ©2000, but I need to check on that.